Diary Entry – 07th August 2023

In the months and years to come today will be remembered, certainly by me as one of the most important days this year. Due to regulatory changes i have really found it challenging to get the remote work i need to allow us to go abroad and to live the lifestyle we have decided we want to live. I had put plenty of posts on Linked In etc looking for work. Today was the day i finally managed to get something sorted. To be fair i am eternally grateful for the company that have taken me on. Remote working in my industry is a little bit frowned upon but also not very common.

I was getting very very apprehensive panicking, we had something lined up for us both but this will absolutely give us more security. We both know that the next 12 months are going to be hard work. I have not really worked since end of May and had to get a loan to see us through so to finally be able to go to sleep at night and have the comfort of knowing we are secure. But like i say it is going to be hard work but id rather it be hard work opposed to anything else.

Life is tough most of the time and id rather be with my 2 favourite people somewhere sunny than in the UK in the dark and in the rain. I have been so fortunate to get to spend so much time with the Beef and not many Dads get the chance to spend that time with there child.

That reminds me, i got a text from the company i will start working for on Monday saying can i get to the office which is in Bolton. So Lisa was in Northwich i was filthy and we had a small gas leak that we were getting looked at so had no hot water. Id spoken to this company and explained that i was extremely keen to work for them and i didn’t want to be keen and then say “Nah, cannot make it today”. So i had to run to the Dodge and ask him if i could nip off and owe him some hours. I then came to my Moho and had to boil the kettle to have a wash in a bowl to get myself clean. I then had to rush off to Sainsburys to get Lisa then rush off to Bolton which was about an hour away. I sat with the owner and they offered me a drink of pop and then gave me the nicest food i have ever had. It was restaurant quality. It was like chicken tikka with chips. It was honestly unreal. I have never been made to feel so welcome before by a company. I am so so lucky that they have taken a calculated risk on me. Thanks to my pal who set it all up!

1 thought on “Diary Entry – 07th August 2023”

  1. That’s fantastic Richard , you deserve to get on at least you are prepared to work unlike some people. We will miss you guys but I wish you good luck and a happy life X

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