Diary Entry – 23rd March 2023

Today was a beautiful morning and I managed to convince my wife to wake up early and take a walk with me. She did the dishes last night, so I felt it was only fair that I returned the favor in some way. We decided to take a walk with The Beef.

We’ve been staying at this campsite for a few days now, and Lisa’s been walking 5k every day by doing laps around the site. I wanted to change things up for her, so we decided to take a walk down the main road. It was a nice change of scenery for both of us, and we were able to take in the fresh morning air.

We soon found out that most of the shops were closed due to Ramadan, including our favorite bakery and takeaway spot. It was a shame, as one of the things I enjoyed most was fetching fresh bread from there.

As we walked down the road, we were hit by the most putrid smell we’ve ever experienced. It was truly disgusting, and I couldn’t believe how bad it was. I think it was down to some standing water that looked swamp like.

There are so many stray dogs there were in Morocco. I’m a dog person, and I’ve always loved them. It’s surprising to see so many of them on the streets, but it’s comforting to know that most of them don’t look like they’re starving. Many people stop their cars and leave food for them on the pavement.

Later in the day, after I finished work, we headed to the beach bar to meet our friends, Ness and Gee. They had hired some sunbeds and had been soaking in the sun all day. They showed us a picture of something truly disgusting in the sea, which looked like a descendant of Nessy. It was gross, but we couldn’t stop laughing about it.

The beaches in Morocco are stunning, but it’s a shame to see so much litter scattered around. I couldn’t believe how warm the sea was, and I wanted to get our son, Rory, to join us in the water. However, as soon as he dipped his toe in the cold water, he had a meltdown. Lisa took him back to the sunbeds, while I swam around for a bit. Suddenly, I felt something brush against my leg, and I freaked out, thinking it was some wild creature. It turned out to be a harmless carrier bag. I may have overreacted a bit and let out a high-pitched screech, which didn’t do much for my manliness in front of Gee. I quickly got out of the water and rejoined my family on the beach.

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