I was like a child this morning as today we were going to explore The Rock! I was waxing lyrical yesterday about how amazing it was. Today didn’t disappoint the only thing being Iv done 30k steps and it’s very hilly indeed. But it was worth every step! I alway find that with places of really significant history you can almost feel the history.
The Rock is home to the only wild monkeys in the whole of Europe. As soon as we got off the cable car we had to fend then off. Then can undo zips and everything. They hear the rustle of crisp packets etc. The novelty of them soon wears off. The little shits. We did the cable car and everything in the Gibraltar nature reserve.
As we were going to Maroc tomorrow we wanted to get a months worth of milk for but non of the stores did the Spanish milk we had been using so we decided to pack up and head to a supermarket. We tried 2 but could t find the milk we’d been using so had to get the next best. We had found a park up right by the port but it was a mess. But being so tired we just got on with it. There was a boy racer thrashing about and a car full off cackling girls. After about an hour they were all gone and I fell straight asleep