Another day another dollar. A day sat in front of the laptops trying to sort the infrastructure stuff out like the website rebrand and the other stuff, i cannot believe the response from people on social media. It has been so amazing, spent almost a whole day replying to kind messages and stuff like so that was very nice. But for every 10 nice ones, there was a weapons grade crank being a gob shite. Had a great email from the “Campervan Magazine” so we will hopefully be in a number of issues for them which will be great. I will let Lisa do that, she is the brain behind the operation.

Lisa was due to have her semi permanent make up topped up but the lady cancelled so we stayed in, i managed to film one of the many many videos i had promised myself i was going to film but my Nan and Mum have the Wee Man tomorrow so a day for getting stuff done. The campsite is filling up quite a lot, i thought that it would have been busier over Christmas than what it was but certainly getting there now.
Had the V5 delivered which now means all we are waiting for is the clothes and make up (generic eye roll emoji) then we literally have everything we need to head off. Until we realise something we missed then frantically order it on Amazon. Really looking forward to Devon, i really love it down there and need to start getting into the habbit of taking cameras with us everywhere as if i want to aim for 3 vlogs a week need some serious content for that. Hope you are enjoying your festive period. Rich.