This place has one of the weirdest weather systems i have ever known. Even though it is end of August you would still expect good weather but it is a bit like spring in the UK but warming. The weather is intermittent rain then really hot and then cloudy. All 4 seasons in 1 day but when the sun comes out Wooof it gets hot.

I had owed hours today annoyingly as i had banked hours last Friday, i always think that banking hours is a bit like going out on a school night. At the time it is amazing and you feel a million dollars but then when it comes to making the time back then it feels awful. Time drags. I used to know a guy called Kev that i used to work with at Vodafone many many moons ago. He always used to make me laugh every time there was a bit of availability he would be asking if we were banking hours etc. It was hilarious. He would literally just sit at his seat and shout it across the office “We banking?”. He would shout. Good times.
The season definitely feels more autumn here. For example when we are sitting outside in the evening by 9 o’clock it is getting dark etc and it is getting chilly. The morning it doesn’t start getting light until after 7am. Once again though i think is partly because of how interchangeable the weather is. I think if it was blue skies and really sunny then it would feel brighter longer and earlier.