I have a few days off this week so planning on doing some serious relaxing and spending time with the Beef. He has come on so much recently and everyday there is a new noise or a new thing that he can do and boy does he like showing you said tricks. His favourite one at the moment is pretending to sneeze. He absolute loves it and when he first wakes up in the morning it is one of the first things he does. He certainly likes to make us laugh. I don’t know whether i am biased again but i find him to be a really funny baby, just some of the things he does make me laugh loads.

One of our shared interests is an afternoon snooze and Mum managed to get probably one of my favourite pictures of me and the Beef. We were both having a snooze and he sat up as if he was awake but he just fell backwards into me and just fell back asleep with me. It was very very cute and will join an elite set of photos that i cherish dearly of us 3. We seem to be collecting cats now as for some reason despite not coming around for ages Boris has decided he wants to part of the crew so we now have Mac and Boris. We also seem to have a stray dog on site which is very rare to see but it is very shy and timid and the cats bully him a bit but he sometimes sits at the bottom of the pitch by the road and watches them and then we sneak him some food out of the window.
I am adamant that with my days off i am going to be ultra productive. There are plenty of things that i can do to keep myself busy. We are currently beta testing some software for a company to do with blog writing etc so we have busy looking at that and working on that with them which has been interesting. Also, in the run up to Christmas we have doing plenty of gift guides for caravanners, VW owners and motorhoming men and women as well. There is always something to do, i suppose it is just a case of keeping a structure to your day.
Here are the blogs/ gift guides we have compiled: