He hasn’t quite been himself last few days, the Beef hasn’t, but he is starting to come out the other side. We think it was just a viral infection but he was a bit moany and he had a bit of a bad tummy. Like i said though he is certainly on the way out of it now, normal toilet routine and back to being his usual chirpy smiley self. The worst thing when they are that age is not being able to say to them “What’s wrong Beef?” or “how can i help?”. A lot of it is just guess work and basing it on his previous days etc. One thing was for sure he was not off his food. He still couldn’t get enough of it.

The weather forecast for the coming days in Luxembourg is very nice just pure sunshine and highs of 29. Which is plenty warm enough only problem being with no access to a swimming pool or the sea and no way to cool off it can get real warm real quick. The best was last night when we got back from our walk into Redange, we left the air con on and it was so cold in the Moho that there was condensation outside of the Moho. It is quite some piece of equipment this air con is.
We had some laundry to do so we decided to make our way into Luxembourg City the capital of Luxembourg. The great thing about this place is that the public transport is free. SO we had a 1 hour bus ride into town and then a tram to get to a laundrette and didn’t cost a penny. McDonalds did, that cost £38. A couple of pints and a coke was another £20. SO it is quite expensive to buy stuff but the city itself was nice. There were a few things that i thought were really cool. The public transport was clean and on time, all air conditioned. The trams had USB sockets so you could charge your phone up. The city had free WiFi with decent speeds. There were water fountains where you could fill up water bottles etc. After we had done the laundry we walked around for a bit and found this thermometer which advised us it was 39 degrees. 39 DEGREES. I don’t care who you are, I couldn’t care less but 39 degrees is way too hot.