We stayed at A and E on the forecourt as we didn’t finish unloading until gone 10pm. We had ordered a pizza and i must have had 1 slice and then zonked out. To be fair the last day is always the worst day for shows. Not only are you at your tiredest by this point but once you stop and sit for an hour and a half on your way home and then have to start moving again at the pace that Roger does it really REALLY hurts. Everything is always a million miles an hour and you are so tired but you have to keep going as you know that this is the home straight before you can go bed.

This was made even worse by the absolutely apocalyptic rain that we had about 4pm in thr afternoon meaning that any stuff that we had out go absolutely drenched. Probably some of the wildest outbursts of rain i have ever seen. I mean the rain it was sideways so we had to try and let down any of the awnings that were left up. Drop the toilet tents. Rescue the Cadac stand and rescue the boxes of stuff all in the meantime getting soaked.
The weather started off so nice again this morning and as we were one of the first back to camp last night i opted the set the stand up again. There were people chatting in camp until about 3 in the morning so i knew how tired they would be. At one point in the night i weas tempted to beep my horn so they would be quiet but i think they heard the Beef stirring so they went to bed anyway. I always hate going back at a night time and wanting to stay out but when i wake in the morning i dont half feel better for it. Although i dont often think it at the time.