What a difference a day makes. The weather started off amazing and there was a burst of about 20 minutes of rain which was absolutely apocolyptic. And there weas 2 or 3 of those outbursts. However, every cloud and all that because what that did do was 2 things, firstly pushed the prices of ponchos through the roof. Joking they were the same price throughout but it brought everyone over to the awnings to get out of the rain and once your in them and looking about etc. You may not know you need one until your standing in one.

I think we sold 20+ awnings today we couldn’t believe when we were cashing up. Me, Ben (the outdoor rev rep) and the Dodge must have been going through sheets and counting up for ages. It was a show record breaking day. Never seen anything like it. It was nice because the Dodge actually looked a bit emotional like he genuinely couldn’t believe what a good day we had. SO everyone was well chuffed.
As traders as these shows there is a large outlay up front and then on top of all of that you have staff costs, stock costs, food for people etc. SO it is nice for us al to be able to contribute and have a great result. One of my favourite people there Simon (Kampa Dometic Rep) he said that some one always told him him that to sell awnings you need bad weather. TO be fair the ground held up well so it was probably not far from being the perfect conditions for selling awnings. I lost count of how many i had sold. It was too many i know that much. Loads.