It was a slower day for sales for me today, which i was quite suprised given the flyer i got off to yetserday. I came into today a bit hungover but certainly fired up ready to get going. At shows the Dodge always insists on bananas, yoghurt and honey. Which i love anyway. To be fair the weather wasnt right for awning selling today. It was so so so hot, that was always the weather forecast for today and my god it was right. I just spent the whole day getting blasted by the sun.

I ended up on 3 awning sales today which puts me on a total of 7 which to be fair if someone had of offered me that at the start of the week i would have bitten there hand off. We had a full crew today as well as Mrs Dodge came along. She is here for a couple of nights this time normally she may come along for the last day or what ever but it was good to have the whole team together.
Ive hurt my knee. BADLY. Being the big kids that we are, there was some Zombie cocktails involved and some more beers but we all decided to hire out the big obstacle course and pit ourselves up against each other. In a round robin format, i went out first round to Onslow which was unfair really as im too tall and rotund for this sort of thing but what i did do was give myself the most awful friction burn on my knee it was so bad that it literally kept me awake at the night as everytime anything touched it the pain was unbelievable.