The show is officially under way. The show has opened 2 days early this year. Last year we set up on the Friday. The traders this year had to set up for Wednesday a few companies had tried to turn up on the Friday to set up but were turned away at the door. I suppose fair is fair, all the other companies had to bust a gut to be sorted for the Wednesday. The good news being that one of those empty pitches was by us. So that meant we could set even more awnings up which was a pain because the Dodge wanted to pop up some of the demos i had bought along with me. And with me being the ex demo guy that was a job that got passed onto me.

The public doors opened at 14:30 and almost instantly the roads were packed as people tried to get in. It is always amazing when you get somewhere like Weston Oark early and you see how empty it is but within 48 hours you cannot move in the camping areas. But i love the buzz of festivals. Hopefully people have come to spend some money. The weather forecast looks good until Saturday then a bit hit and miss.
The good news was that i got off to a flyer, sold 4 awnings before the end of thr day. An Outdoor Rev Cacos, 2 x Curls and a Combo. A great start, early in the festivals people browse early on in the festival but it was great to get some money in on the first day and hopefully a sign of things to come. Everyone stayyed out and had a drink tonight which was nice, we all had some Zombies to strat off the show. The good thing is because everyone was in bed early last night everyone should be up for it tongiht and hopefully have a good night. The weasther forecast tomorrow is excellent. So hopefully beers in the sun!!