I couldnt be more greatful for Camper Jam to be fair has properly taken my mind off what else is going on. The first day is always the hardest day and the most stressful because when you think we have to put up 17 awnings, make a shop, stock the shop, it is basically 2 full Luton vans full of stuff. Alongaside having to set up my own camp witht he camper and our awning etc so it is intense and full on. Especially as id been put with the Outdoor Rev rep who is an absolute perfectionsist and a very very strict task master. But once the work is done he is a right laugh. But during work he is full on.

To be fair i was happy with the Outdoor Rev stand as they had most stock and it was all so so so cheap. It was going to be the easiest few days of selling i will ever have to do because it is so cheap. We should have been at A and E at 7am we were going to stay over night but we didnt get through the barrier in time we were still packing away at 10:30pm. SO i had to send a text to the Dodge to tell him we would be there for 08:15 but we didnt end up getting there until 08:40 which went down like a lead balloon as you can imagine. Lisa dropped me off at the shop and she went to the Co Op to fetch some beers. I had a small list of things that i needed to pick still but once we had that it was time to go.
This is my second Camperjam and i was propper looking forward to it. By the time we had finished getting everything ready it was pretty much dark and everyone was absolutely knackered. You could tell everyone was knackered because no one stayed up and had a drink everyone went straight to bed. THe thing with these shows is they make the bottom of your feet hurt. And i mean they absolutely wreck and mine were sore already so that does not hold me in good stead for the next 5 days. But you always get through it, by the end of the show a lot of the time it is beers that get you through or Zombies which are these outrageous cocktails made from about 8 different types of rum.