Very much looking forward to my day off today. Feel as though i am working more than ever at the moment but all this time i am doing at A and E is for a credit note as whether we get the moho or not there are still plenty of things that we will need. I would like another zip on porch door to go on the other side of the Combo to close it off both ends. This will give us plenty more space for when we go away again. I want a big wind break as well, i just love the Dometic inflatable ones and they are so so so sturdy. I always thought they would be flimsy but i was well wrong. They are stronger than poled ones. We want a really good 12v fridge and mini freezer so we can store more stuff especially if we are going in the camper.

As i walk around the shop i could spend thousands of pounds in minutes, i just love walking around those types of shops. It is similar to when the campsites are full i just love walking around having a nosey at their awnings or obscure vehicles. I think it is fair to say that i am a bit of a geek. But some people like planes, trains and cars. My guilty pleasure is leisure vehicles. Well, i say guilty pleasure, i’m not guilty about it at all. We bought the Beef a jumperoo today from FB marketplace. It was a bit of a drive but well worth it, he absolutely loves it and i suppose this is the final hurdle now on the way to walking. But his face when he is in it is brilliant!
Got a busy week next week, A and E tomorrow, hospital with my Mum Tuesday, Camper Jam Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is my job to continuously update the group with the weasther forecast for CJ. I have been doing it now for about a week and it is mad how much the weather forecast changes over that time. It has gone from no rain to loads of rain to thunder, to sunny again. As long as it is not cold and doesnt rain the whole time i am pretty flexible with what the weather does. I really dont like the cold especially without electric. I will make sure i fill up before we go in case we need the diesel heater whilst we are away.